"Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5
Monday, August 17, 2009
360 degree flip
Wow, I knew it could happen but didn't allow myself to go there until it did. I am back in the classroom this fall!!!
It is amazing to consider in just mere weeks I will be back to "Ms. Oelke" to 20 or so lil ones-but not so little-5/6 graders are not all to little and actually! What a transition it will be from first grade and the very casual daycare setting I have been at. I have appreciated the time I have had at the daycare and the numerous lessons I learned from being there and the journey I have taken to get back to the classroom!
In just a few weeks time I will be not only a teacher but a coach--yes don't die from laughing so hard but I will be helping to coach the high school volleyball team and possibly the Jr. high girls basketball team. Although I have no experience whats-so ever coaching I am excited for the new adventure and the lessons I might learn about myself and the world around me through the experience. It is amazing how God prepares everything-things that I never thought would come to help me out in the future career have been vital in getting this job-merely playing the sport and having a general idea of how the sport works!
God has also taken care of some other prior obligations that I had and provided people who are willing and able to step up and take them over due to school or volleyball conflicts. It is a joy to stop stressing (I did that last night-had my little freak out party) and just reflect on how God as already provided and been faithful and trust God will continue to take care of everything and provide all that is needed! It is so much fun to see where God's hand is already at work and to consider what he might do this on this new journey.
I will be moving out to Hendrum at some point. I am not sure when and I am not exactly sure where but that will also be a change. From being able to meet up with family or friends at a moments notice to having to have everything somewhat planned from my shopping and get gas! My life will look very different very soon but it is an exciting difference and I am ready to go on the adventure!
You can look forward to some stories from the classroom or the court in the future!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Good Stuff
Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.
The LORD works out everything for his own ends-
even the wicked for a day of disaster...
In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps.
Proverbs 16: 3, 4, 9
What encouraging words when the world wants to get in the way of our faith!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
As I type I am half asleep, as well as very physically and emotionally drained.I love relationships and think that they are the most important thing that you can invest in while here on Earth; with the most important relationship of all being the one you have with Jesus Christ. Although I truly believe relationships are vital and much needed I am ready to throw them out the door and not look back.
I look around me and see my co-workers stress and frustration from relationships with co-workers and the children as well as stresses from relationships outside of work.
I look into my own life and see relationships numerous positive relationships where there is mutual support and encouragement with among one another. I am so very blessed with many dear friends and loved ones that I adore spending time with; dear people in my life who accept me just as I am and who I am becoming with each passing day.
But I also see other relationships with much strain and toxic relationships at need to be dealt with in a positive and respectful manner but dealt with non the less. Do I think they will be this way forever, not all, but some possibly. With those that I feel wont change I will give them up to God and go let go as he leads me. I am also thankful for these relationships as they help shape me into the person God has for me to be and valuable lessons are learned from such relationships. They too will forever impact my life.
It saddens me to think that people come and go in your life. I love the coming portion but not so much the going portion but have come to terms that as much as it hurts at times-change is a good thing and can bring healing. Sometimes it just means a change in how you interact with one another and how often you meet up, etc. due to a variety of situations. Other times it means that you have to recognize that God is saying it is just time to move on. Seasons come and go and there is a reason for that...and in the end it is all for God's glory!
So even though I am drained and don't think I can handle much more, and consider how simple my life would be (but really have no meaning or purpose) without relationships I will continue to strive to be a positive influence in the lives of those who God brings to me and puts into my life, no matter how long or short of a time they may be in my life.
Living one day at a time, minute to minute, walking with the King.
Monday, August 3, 2009
A good feeling
I must say it isn't very often that I have a some what of a low key, productive weekend. Usually I have heaps of things going on such as tutoring a few hours, babysitting, running around to shops, preping for the next week, doing stuff with the family, cleaning up from the weeks activities, etc. so not that I lead the most exciting life but the point is the weekend events typically eat up my weekends real fast.
However, this weekend has been exceptionally productive and left me with a great feeling! It was very productive! Friday I was able to spend time with my aunt and cousins! It was good to have a relaxing evening with them.
Saturday, I was able to scratch things off the "To Do" list so that later in the week I can maybe be a bit more low key and do some hobbies! I was so excited that by Saturday afternoon I had cleaned out my kitchen and room taking numerous tubs to the garage as I will be moving (yes again! I never stay anywhere too long!)! I was also able to bake 2 batches of banana bread biscotti and 4 loaves of banana bread, throw in a few hours of tutoring and some time with one of my favorite girls, Riley! Saturday was a good day!
Sunday was also productive as I tried making sweet potato fries for the first time, which didn't turn out to bad for a first go around! Got ready for the week ahead and crossing out a few more things on the list! I must say it is a great feeling being able to lift the pen to scratch the next thing off the list of "To Do." I love the feeling of accomplishing something and how it makes me feel well prepared for the week ahead (no matter how false the feeling of being prepared to spend the week with 20 school ager really can be)!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Transitions into the unknown
As of late I really feel God calling me to change my life-live more frugally, honestly and just live. So often I get caught up in the whose and whats and business of the life in this world.
To be honest, I am super excited for some of the changes and quite terrified of others but know all will be good in the end. I think it is always some what invigorating and scary all that occur when I just let go to some of those things I feel I have started to grab back from God and those I have never fully released my grip.
I am excited for the opportunities that will come with this and the possibilities. Where will I be in a year, what will my relationships look like, what career path will I be on...and so much more! Oh the possibilities-although I have some possible ideas I could be way off the mark, but no matter what I will enjoy the ride!
I would love to have your prayers and accountability in this. It is so easy to get tangled up into business and the world that one doesn't really enjoy life at times...so if you feel comfortable to pray or ask me about it, please do so! It is greatly appreciated!
Monday, June 29, 2009
5/6 Team...Rowan, Jo, myself, and Bruce
Forever supportive and an outstanding team to work with!
The great couples that opened their homes to me and welcomed me in like their own child. Thank you.
Me, Hilary, John
Give me some time and I will figure out how to have a fully functional blog...being capable of putting things (such as pictures) where I really want them!
I can't believe it and perhaps it is because I don't want to or because I want to hang on to my experience, my lessons learned, my memories, my friendships...but three years ago I would be sitting in Australia on school holidays while student teaching. It was in Oz that I met some of the most amazing and supportive people that will forever have an everlasting impact on my life. People who opened their homes and lives up to me--welcoming me and accepting me just as I am without judgement or condemnation.
My experiences in Australia has had such an impact on both my professional and personal life that I never had dreamt about...that is what happens when God is control and you open your arms up to His will--amazing blessings that you couldn't even imagine. A good friend of mine always says "Dream big, 'cause God dreams bigger." Well I dreamt big...I dreamt to student teach in Australia...but little did I know the huge work God was going to do in my life in those mere months that I lived there.
While in Oz God opened my eyes to many life lessons. He opened up wounds of my past that occurred half way around the world to start healing them if I choose to let him, if I choose to open my arms up to him and step out of my comfort zone into the pain. He brought incredible people into my life to teach me and help heal me, without them ever realizing what they have ever done. Not a day goes by that I am not forever grateful for them, that I don't think about the lessons that learned and the smiles, words of encouragement, chats over tea or rides in the car that help to start the process of healing. When I got home...I started shutting the doors to that healing process as "life took over" and got busy.
Three years later I hear God whispering into my heart that its time to clean up the mess. As past hurts and new pains have been left lingering and it is time to finish healing them. It is time I be obedient to allowing God in to completely heal them, to open my arms up fully and allow God to reach in and heal the deep wounds so that I may be fully prepared for the next step of the exciting adventure that He is preparing for me.Perhaps this adventure called life will soon bring me back to the land down under at least for a visit! Or perhaps will bring some of those Ozzies right on over the big pond to America!
Cheers to all of you Ozzies out there! I miss ya heaps!

Friday, June 26, 2009
Something to Say-The Motions
This might hurt, it's not safe
But I know that I've gotta make a change
I don't care if I break
At least I'll be feeling something'
Cause just okay is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of life
I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day without
Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,instead of going through the motions?"
...Let Your love make me whole
I think I'm finally feeling something'
--Matthew West
So often we want to live in our comfortable little bubble of life...just going through the day to day motions, while God is knocking at our hearts telling us he has so much more to offer us but we have to be willing to step out of our bubble. Never did he tell us that it would be easy by any means. But it is worth it and as the lyrics say at least I am feeling something-even when God convicts of sin or calls us to work through painful situations of our past. His all consuming passion and love is far greater than the nothingness that this life and this world lead you to...the material possessions and quick fixes that provide only momentary happiness and possibly years of heartache.
As I go through my own storms in life I am thankful for the pain and I am certain God is working through every moment of it, that he is using it to mold me into the woman of God he has created me to be and that I need to be for the various individuals that he places in my life today and years down the road. It is painful now and I only see a glimpse of the glory and a glimpse of his purpose in it but it is much better than going through the motions of this world. So I ask, are you going through the motions? Are you lettings God love make you whole? Will you hold me accountable to stepping out of my comfort zone and leave the motions behind? Because there are certainly plenty of days where it is easy to say-Its just a day-let me escape the pain for a day...but really I don't want to miss God's all consuming power in my life for a moment let alone a day. I need him to make me whole everyday.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Yippee a sleep in!
I must say I am extremely excited that I get to sleep past 5 am tomorrow! Although I know I am blessed to have a flexible second job working two jobs can be exhausting. As I have been chatting with friends and reflecting this past few weeks and considering what I am going to do with my free time (while it lasts!) I am reminded again of what I was created for...
I was created to love Jesus with all I've got, to know him intimately and fulfill his will in my life...which ultimately is love those he puts in my path with a radical love. Everything else is temporary and when it is all over...the temporary things of this life become nothing and someone leaves us or we leave this earth what are we left with? We are left only with the memories we have from the time we have spent with them and where we have chosen to spend eternity.
As I consider this I realize how often I am so often I way off the mark, I realize how often I fail at living out my purpose, what I was created for. I fail at prioritizing relationships and instead put temporary thing after temporary thing on top of relationships on the to do list. Why...why do I do such a thing when I know it ultimately just sucks the joy out of life? Why do I let the ways of this world suck me in so easily...because I am not being intentional about the things I know in my heart are correct and vital for this life here on Earth. So as I am eager to get a bit more sleep I am more eager about getting back in control of my life and putting the important things in life up front and center, starting with Jesus and moving on from there and where he directs me.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I am currently reading a book written by a child soldier living in Sierra Leon and it is heart breaking and maddening to me all at the same time. As I read I continually am reminded this continues to go on today. As I read, as I type…children are being abducted and forced to become soldiers killing their families first and then other innocent victims; and they don’t do this because they are monsters but in order to save their own life. As I read my book I am constantly reminded of my promise to God that I would not stay silent but be an advocate for such children facing injustices that I had made during my trip to Kenya and Uganda in Sept. of 08.
To be completely honest I really feel like God has been throwing the realities of Africa’s injustices back in my face the past few weeks asking me what I am goind to do about them. Tonight while checking my email I came across a video where I felt God really challeng me was I going to do something about what I just saw and knew was real or turn my back on it and continue on with my "safe and comfortable life here."
I can pray and send money but I feel like God has something bigger in mind as I feel this void as if I am missing something that God is trying to reveal to me…a way that God is trying to have a positive impact through me…and something he is providing for me to do. It is my heart's cry that I would surrender my life to for his glory and that I would serve him in any way he asks me to and that he will reveal clearly to me how I can help meet the needs of the hearts and souls of the precious children and hurting adults in Africa.
Thus, I feel compelled to start right here… to encourage all of us to open our eyes and recognize the needs and the injustices that in African people experience every day. I have talked to a lot of people and they blame it on the governments in Africa or something else. We, as humans, are always seeking a scapegoat to displace the blame and make ourselves feel better since we didn’t inflict the pain and hurt but now that we have talked about it we can move on and feel good about ourselves…well let’s just get over who is to blame and first recognize there are huge issues concerning people all the way across the continent of Africa and that we can do something about it where ever we are at... in our own way.
I dare you to watch the video, The Rescue, created by the organization called Invisible Children. After you watch the video I would encourage you to visit Watoto where you can find out how they are serving the displaced Children Soldiers in Northern Uganda with their Project Gulu. Project Gulu not only provides housing and schooling to the former children soldiers but provides them with trauma counseling, spiritual counseling and a place to call home with a family of their own. Watoto also serves women who have been brutally scared physically and emotionally by the LRA army, which was discussed in the video as well.
The Mattaw Children's Village is located in Kitale Kenya. Bud and Kimberly Huffman have poured their heart and soul into creating a place where children grow and flourish. They have replicated the Watoto model where children (orphaned, street children, or just need a safe living environment) live with all their basic needs met along with spiritual leadership and teachings, schooling, a family that loves them and a place that they call home.
I love what Mattaw and Watoto are doing as they are not just providing children in ways to meet their basic needs but providing for the children holistically, and providing for children who are dearly loved by first and foremost by the King, Jesus Christ, and then by staff and volunteers and others all the others committed and supporting the work they are doing. Visit Huffmans blog to keep updated on the great work they are doing and the realities of the hardships innocent children face every day in Kitale.
Wow, this is rediculously long...sorry but when I get going on something...well watch out! I will work on learning how a blog really works and incorporating some images next time to help break up my ranting...but I thought getting the links on there was impressive enough this time round! Lets just hope they work! But really Linds, I think you are the only person who might read this and well you know all sites! :)
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