Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome to the great adventure I call my life...

It has been about a week since I have returned from a two week experience to Kitale, Kenya; where I visited the Mattaw Children's Village and the Watoto Villages in Kampala, Uganda. The work there that Bud and Kimberly Huffman and all of their staff are doing is quite incredible and encouraging. People ask me how my trip was and I have a hard time saying good or amazing as I might label other excursions I have been on...when you have traveled to a third world country and see, hear and smell the horrific things that go on in ones life, you see the trauma and tragedy in the eyes of the people your heart breaks and you just can't say that it was a "good" trip. So for those of you who want to ask me it was a life changing can never be the same after an experience like that. Praise God for people like Bud and Kimberly who are being obedient to the call the Lord has set upon them to assist the people of Kitale out of dispair and be blessed with the hope of Jesus Christ. Jesus, your name is a shelter like no other...what power that has as I think about the Kenyan people who some literally have nothing, no shelter other than their hope and faith in Jesus Christ, and then those many that literally have nothing because they have never heard of Jesus. I apologize as I realize this is me processing on a blog...needless to say I have a lot more thinking to do, a lot more heart work to do and I am excited to see what continues to reveal through it all! As for now I am on a new road...not certain where it will lead but excited to see what the next little adventures are to come in this journey called life. I have a job interview on Monday for a position where I would assist elderly people in tasks that they can not complete on their own and provide them some companionship. I am hoping I get a job soon or the substitute teaching positions begin to roll in or I just might find myself getting into trouble with too much time in on my hands! :)

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