Change, as we all know, is uncomfortable.
-Francis Chan
Throughout this new year I have felt the Lord knocking at my heart asking me to allow him to do some heart surgery and make some changes to my day to day life. I believe God is preparing me for the future and needs to do some softening and pruning in my life during this time of preparations. God has asked me to really look deep into my heart about the choices I have made and the choices I make on a daily basis.
Happy points is one thing I have implemented into my life, along with some friends of mine. Happy Points is our own system to living a healthier lifestyle. You can earn a "happy point" for getting enough sleep each night, drinking enough water, eating healthy and exercising. Many of you may be thinking God didn't ask me to do this-being healthier is a new years resolution that many people work towards each year...true. However, in God's love letter to us it does state that our bodies are temples and we should treat it with respect and care. I am seeking the Lords strength to help me make healthy choices and respect the body he has given me and glorify Him through it all.
Media and it's impact on my life is another change God is asking me to make. While technology is wonderful and I enjoy using it in a variety of ways I place using Facebook, emails, tv and other technology tools higher on my priority list than I should. God had been prodding at my heart for some time before I would even consider what he was asking me to do. I kept making excuses and trying to rationalize my habits...I need technology to do work from home, to keep in touch with dear friends within the US and across the world, to ensure my bills are paid, to make make my budget, etc. God got sick of my excuses and out came his sense of computer went on the blink a week ago.
The past week has been an eye opener for me not having a functioning lap top. First of all I was able to finish a ton of tasks that I would have other wise postponed. Secondly, I interacted with people in ways I probably wouldn't have. As much as technology helps keep me in contact with my international friends through facebook and skype and even my friends just miles away I have realized how much it has also hinders the ability to maintain authentic relationships. In my lil old apartment in the small town I live in I often feel lonely and this past week has opened my eyes to how much I have relied on technology to provide me with a false sense of companionship...when I could be out and interacting with the people within my real physical world rather than the cyber world, whether that means making some phone calls, sending out cards or meeting up with people.
It has been the plan to cut off from using Facebook as of Feb. 15th and limit the use of other technologies and rely on the "old fashion" ways of communication! I am eager and a bit scared to see how relationships might change as I am not part of the facebook in some cases it is the only way I communicate with people. However, I have realized I will just need to be more intentional about maintaining those relationships. Obviously I am not going to cut out all forms of technology out of my life...but for now somethings just need to be limited. I am looking forward to this change and having some fun with reconnecting with friends in a non-technology intensive manner! We will see how I go!
God is also cultivating in my heart a deeper passion for him and what it truly means to love him and love others as he would. God is doing some wonderful healing and revitalizing my heart. I desire to be a woman after God's own heart-not mans and far to often I detour back trying to please man. God is speaking to me in powerful ways through his word, other books and dear sisters and brothers he has put in my life.
By no means are any of these changes easily done with a simple prayer or a snap of my fingers. Change is an uncomfortable and painful road...whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual pain. I know God, my Father, and he his deep love for me...he only gives me as much as I can handle, his ways are always for the best. He prunes so that the vine may produce fruit in the future. I have prayed for brokenness and know God will answer that prayer. The journey of healing and heart changes isn't a simple road-however, I trust the blessings and growth that occurs through out the journey will far out weigh the pain that might occur during it.
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