Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I am currently reading a book written by a child soldier living in Sierra Leon and it is heart breaking and maddening to me all at the same time. As I read I continually am reminded this continues to go on today. As I read, as I type…children are being abducted and forced to become soldiers killing their families first and then other innocent victims; and they don’t do this because they are monsters but in order to save their own life. As I read my book I am constantly reminded of my promise to God that I would not stay silent but be an advocate for such children facing injustices that I had made during my trip to Kenya and Uganda in Sept. of 08. To be completely honest I really feel like God has been throwing the realities of Africa’s injustices back in my face the past few weeks asking me what I am goind to do about them. Tonight while checking my email I came across a video where I felt God really challeng me was I going to do something about what I just saw and knew was real or turn my back on it and continue on with my "safe and comfortable life here." I can pray and send money but I feel like God has something bigger in mind as I feel this void as if I am missing something that God is trying to reveal to me…a way that God is trying to have a positive impact through me…and something he is providing for me to do. It is my heart's cry that I would surrender my life to for his glory and that I would serve him in any way he asks me to and that he will reveal clearly to me how I can help meet the needs of the hearts and souls of the precious children and hurting adults in Africa. Thus, I feel compelled to start right here… to encourage all of us to open our eyes and recognize the needs and the injustices that in African people experience every day. I have talked to a lot of people and they blame it on the governments in Africa or something else. We, as humans, are always seeking a scapegoat to displace the blame and make ourselves feel better since we didn’t inflict the pain and hurt but now that we have talked about it we can move on and feel good about ourselves…well let’s just get over who is to blame and first recognize there are huge issues concerning people all the way across the continent of Africa and that we can do something about it where ever we are at... in our own way. I dare you to watch the video, The Rescue, created by the organization called Invisible Children. After you watch the video I would encourage you to visit Watoto where you can find out how they are serving the displaced Children Soldiers in Northern Uganda with their Project Gulu. Project Gulu not only provides housing and schooling to the former children soldiers but provides them with trauma counseling, spiritual counseling and a place to call home with a family of their own. Watoto also serves women who have been brutally scared physically and emotionally by the LRA army, which was discussed in the video as well. The Mattaw Children's Village is located in Kitale Kenya. Bud and Kimberly Huffman have poured their heart and soul into creating a place where children grow and flourish. They have replicated the Watoto model where children (orphaned, street children, or just need a safe living environment) live with all their basic needs met along with spiritual leadership and teachings, schooling, a family that loves them and a place that they call home. I love what Mattaw and Watoto are doing as they are not just providing children in ways to meet their basic needs but providing for the children holistically, and providing for children who are dearly loved by first and foremost by the King, Jesus Christ, and then by staff and volunteers and others all the others committed and supporting the work they are doing. Visit Huffmans blog to keep updated on the great work they are doing and the realities of the hardships innocent children face every day in Kitale. Wow, this is rediculously long...sorry but when I get going on something...well watch out! I will work on learning how a blog really works and incorporating some images next time to help break up my ranting...but I thought getting the links on there was impressive enough this time round! Lets just hope they work! But really Linds, I think you are the only person who might read this and well you know all sites! :)

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